Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday 10.10 Special Guest -Traveling to Rome


  1. Today we will have an opportunity to hear from a special guest who traveled to Rome last summer.
  2. Please make Cornell Notes on while our guest is presenting. Your essential question: Where would I want to go to when I'm in Rome and why?
  3. Keep in mind you will be writing a travel blog about traveling to any location that was ONCE in the Roman Empire. Although our guest will be speaking mostly on the city of Rome, you can pick any place that was once in the Roman Empire. 
  4. Travel Blog requirements: As a modern day traveler plan a trip to at least 2 locations that were once in the Roman Empire.
    1. Plan a trip to at least 2 sites within the Roman Empire. 
      1. In detail explain what the sites have to offer, 
      2. What the site looks like today,
      3. What it looked like during the Roman Empire,
      4. Why you are interested in visiting the site.
      5. Include high-quality images of the site -today and (if possible) drawing/images of what the site originally looked like.
      6. Include maps for each location
      7. Include what other modern-day places near by you would like to visit: like the spot with the best gelato or espresso or a cafe with a perfect view of your monument.
      8. Optional: research cost of flights from Santa Barbara to your locations, Hostel, The cost and method of travel between hostel and famous Roman locations.
    2. This could include the Colosseum in the city of Rome, The Forum of Caesar, The Forum of Augustus, The Basilica Aemilia, The Basilica of Maxentius, The Imperial Palace, The Circus Maximus, Tiber Island, The Pantheon, The Appian Way and MORE! Use this link to learn more:
    3.  Use at least 4 resources -you must cite each one- as you research your travels.
HOMEWORK DUE FRIDAY: In your Interactive Notebook: under #4 Travel blog requirements complete #1-4 for both sites see below:
  1. In detail explain what the sites have to offer, 
  2. What the site looks like today,
  3. What it looked like during the Roman Empire,
  4. Why you are interested in visiting the sites

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